About company
MDR Sp.z o.o. came into existence in 2000.On the beginning it specialized in attendance of industrial investment. High quality of offered services has quickly allowed us to earn reliance of our clients that has contributed to dynamic development of our company. In course of time we started undertaking greatest and more complicated tasks.
Satisfaction of our clients paid new business contacts, among others cooperation with:
- Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. in Warszawa
- PBE ELBUD Sp. z o.o.
- POSIR Poznań
- Grupa LOTOS S.A.

Our philosophy
The philosophy of our company is based on the principles of reliability and professionalism. The staff of MDR sp. z o.o. consists of qualified and experienced specialists. In case of more complex projects we cooperate with scientific staff of universities, e.g. Poznan University of Technology. We are a reliable business partner – we are fully committed to completing the tasks entrusted to us.